Salary offered- £28,500 per annum
Tasks required by this job include:
- Discusses conference and exhibition requirements with clients and advises on facilities;
- Develops proposal for the event, and presents proposal to clients;
- Allocates exhibition space to exhibitors;
- Plans work schedules, assigns tasks, and co-ordinates the activities of designers, crafts Persons, technical staff, caterers and other events staff;
- Liaises closely with venue staff to ensure smooth running of the event;
- Ensures that Health and Safety and other statutory regulations are met.
Please confirm where the role you wish to hire for sits in the staff hierarchy
Both job vacancies sit on the third tier of the staff hierarchy. Company is in the urgent need of the following:
Entry requirements of this job:
There are no formal academic entry requirements, although entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades, A levels/H grades, a BTEC/SQA award or equivalent qualifications. Professional qualifications are available and may be required by some employers. Off- and-on-the-job training is available along with the valid SIA license.
Salary offered- £26,500 per annum
Tasks required by this job include:
- Develops and implements policies and procedures to deal effectively with customer requirements and complaints;
- Co-ordinates and controls the work of those within customer services departments;
- Discusses customer responses with other managers with a view to improving the product or service provided;
- Plans and co-ordinates the operations of help and advisory services to provide support for customers and users.
Entry requirements of this job:
There are no pre-set entry requirements. Candidates are recruited with a variety of academic qualifications and/or relevant experience. Specialist qualifications may be required for work within certain sectors along with the valid SIA license.
Job Title – Office manager
Salary offered- £26,500 per annum
Job Description
Office managers plan, organise and co-ordinate the activities and resources of offices within commercial, industrial and other non-governmental organisations and public agencies.
Entry requirements of this job:
Entry will usually require GCSEs/S grades but is possible with other academic qualifications and/or relevant experience. Professional qualifications are available in some areas of work.
Tasks required by this job include:
- Plans work schedules, assigns tasks and delegates responsibilities;
- Advises on the handling of all correspondence and enquiries relating to accounts, sales, Statistical and vacancy records;
- Ensures that procedures for considering, issuing, amending and endorsing insurance policies are adhered to;
- Plans, organises and co-ordinates the activities and resources of other offices not elsewhere classified including box offices, other ticket offices and accommodation bureaux.